That's right..its official- i am the world's laziest blogger...I guess I blog when I feel like it, and this feeling doesnt come on a regular basis. Here is a quick recap of the last Fall Term 2007 in UCCR, Brig...heck, in Switzerland for that matter..
The term started off with plenty to worry about, even after a great tour of Denmark and Sweden... I have 2 not very easy subjects (Leadership and Law), on top of that, i was involved in the school Theatre, I have an event to plan with a random team for the F&B Management class AND I had an IMC to plan (I chose the Shangri-La's Tanjung Aru Resort btw..and scored an A)...
So, Week 1, was the average, going out, meeting people, shopping, some drinking (non-alcoholic!) and ice breaking week. It was collecting books etc etc.. OH! and i moved in with Jens into a really big room in Alpina. We havent come up with a name for it yet, but temporarily, its the "Gas Chamber"...I'll let your imagination figure out why..
Then came Week 2, Syllabus covered, started formal studying etc. The same went with Week 3.
Week 4. MID TERMS for some subjects, Candidates was to be played soon, so there was plenty to do, and of course, the dreaded weekend where we had to camp in school to construct the set! Our work meals comprised of LOTS of diet coke, Mc Donalds and apples. YES, fact, i recall someone asking the bartenders to go BUY "red apples" to satisfy the need :P (speaking of needs, i wonder h0w many times did Maslow pop up in the classes this term...? 4 or 5?)
Week 5, Candidates was on stage! It was an experience, put it that way. I feel that some people could use a dose of positive organisational behaviour and a more cheerful attitude instead of the demeaning, sadistic and malicious doesnt really help if you want to get people to do things for you (for free, i might add)...nevertheless, the peeps were the paracentamol to that pain...The show concluded well, and in the end, went quite smoothly...I even witnessed the unthinkable, that extinct waterfalls started drizzling water (basically, what I am trying to say is, I saw someone who is supposedly "tough", actually tearing)..
Now painful Week 6.. so, theatre ended on saturday, and i had Sunday to rest...Our Greek thanksgiving, (which i witfully called "My Big Fat Greek Thanksgiving") was on Tuesday...The event went VERY well, with the exception of the quick depletion of wine and a shuffle in the night's schedule...
Week 7-9 was basically the weeks where we did the assignments, parties and stuff...
Week 10...I got to break this down to bits:
Tuesday- IMC presentation and hardcopy due... went very well!
Wednesday- F&B Menu Analysis Presentation....I think it was the most spontaneous presentation i ever did
Thursday- Law Tutorial...i think i did fine :S
Friday- F&B Mgmt Exam....Let's just say that it was alright...pending results..
Saturday- Finally some room to breath!
Sunday- Law EXAM!!!!!!! I answered those of you familiar with the questions, i answered the questions on ADR and on the Carbollic Smoke Ball case.. and came up with the links between Neglective conduct and Contract, towards the end of the 3 hrs..
Monday- Leadership was, so-so..
- that was it for the exams-
Tuesday- I went skiing with Bad-Ass C-Bass in Riederalp and Bettmeralp...It was fantastic, the weather was beautiful, i was with good company, there was a nice Rosti lunch and i saw the Matterhorn! BUT, my ski bindings came loose and i had to stop after 3 or 4 hours of i had to settle down for a cup of hot chocolate...I would never forget the embarassing trip back down ALONE on the ski lifts...people on the way up staring at me..brrr...Jens suggested I return it and ask for a refund, but I had such a good day, i thought it was wiser to let it be and avoid getting into a series of verbal exchanges with the ski rent shop..oh, and Lise didnt come, which was quite sad :(
Wednesday- I did absolutely NOTHING...just recovering from all the aches and pains of skiing the day before...
Thursday- GRADUATION! Yes, my favourite blue shirt and pink tie, my Eta Sigma Delta tassles and gown or mortar for the Higher Diploma students :( sniff Party at night was great and it was nice to see some familar faces again (and a new one too), Mila, Jannicke and Jesse's Brother- Scott...
Friday- 5am, was up and ready to go to Geneve Aeroport with Anin and Anne Jeanette...they were flying off, and i was picking up a friend who came to visit (Griffin)... We got to GVA at around 8.30am, checked Anin right through (her flight was cancelled, so she got an earlier one- woohoo) and Anne left at 10.10am, which was around the time Griffin came out of the arrival halls.. Griffin and I went to Lausanne where we had really good Kebab with Marina and walked around a little..We headed to Brig and met up with Jesse and showed Griffin the town...Of course, trying to be a fake Swiss hilly billy- Ian cooked up some Rosti and sausages for dinner..
Saturday- Met with Magnus to say good bye, and Griffin and I headed for Bern, where we basically just roamed around...We ended up in the Cathedral and listened to a choir warm up for the night :D it was amazing.. I woke up a little sick, and I think I had a stomach virus, which Griffin caught a bit later as well..We went to Zurich where we stayed at the ETAP :)
Sunday- Up around 9am and headed for the airport...Griffins flight was 10 mins after mine, although he ended up being delayed for 4 hours..Mine was about 45 mins delayed..mostly because of the fog and the plane needed to de-ice..
Anyhow, i got to Dubai, then KL, then KK on the 24th Dec, 2100pm! Up to now, in KK, i have been going out every night...been spending lots of time with friends and family, and finishing some errands as quick as i can before i head back to la suisse...i guess thats all for now!
Here are some picture in random order :)
My Bruise (or the Third Nipple) from Paintballing
Magnus, when i was visiting Malmo (turning Torso in distance)
Denmark, Nyhavn to be exact..I LOVE THIS PLACE

Sebastian and I after Skiing, waiting in Morel Station (the next station is BITSCH) hehe

I think its Ilias and I in some party in Scala

The Stage Managers- Ian and Alice