(Ang Pow Na Lai!)
Yeah! Happy Chinese New Year (CNY) to one and all! To those friends turning 12, 24, 36 ( i doubt i have friends any older than that, unless you are an aunty or uncle who reads off the internet- doubt that..), its YOUR YEAR, Year of the Rat! Anyhow, I am blogging this to inform you that i wong be receiving any red packets this year, since I am so far away in cold snowy Europe. So please, if you intend to give ang pows, please mail them to me! haha! Well, many people don't seem to know the do's and dont's of CNY..So here are a few at the top of my head that I practice on CNY...
1. Avoid Swearing, cursing and using negative words (eg. Die, kill, hang)
2. Avoid using knives, scissors...sharp objects
3. Avoid cleaning the house, ESPECIALLY sweeping!
4. Keep windows (& doors) open, and keep toilet seats and sink plugs shut
5. Take a shower with water boiled with Pamelo Leaves on New Year's eve
6. At least greet every family member
7. Receive ang pows (little red packets with money in it)
8. GAMBLE!!!
9. Perform the Yee Sang.. (tossing condiments for luck)
10. Avoid wearing dark colours or all white, if you HAVE TO, balance it out with Red (the colour you should be wearing)
11. Stay Positive, remember, what you do on CNY will carry through the entire year
12. Avoid Spending Money
13. Consume more sweet foods and candy
14. Eat Noodles
15. Have Fun!
So, if you feel that i am behaving weird on CNY, just remember I have these traditions (and more!) to practice..
To one and all Have a Healthy and Prosperous Lunar New Year!

(Pictures Stolen from off Google Images. They arent mine!)