Saturday, 9 February 2008

Dear Economists, Something Else is also free..

The world today is war torn and plagued with hatred. Nuke bombs costs fortunes, lives and love lost.. The human race has become more selfish and price/image sensitive, to the extent that many would agree that Economists are right- only AIR is for free.
However, A very good friend of mine (you know who you are, my angel), once sent me a video that really spoke to me. Something else is for free, something more powerful than military, politicl and monetary strength. It has the power to feel warmth, a sense of belonging, a feeling of being wanted and cared for, a feeling of security. It binds us all in an emotional relationship, and is able to heal hatred and build emotional shields. What is it (unless you already guessed)?
H U G S !
I give credit to Juanman for his efforts in the Free Hugs Campaign (wikipedia it), and below is the video that got the campaign on its feet (even onto Oprah Winfrey's show) and has brought much warmth to the world. So, FREE HUGS TO ALL!


Anonymous said...

Free hugs?.. looks like a chain reaction.

NaRcosiStic said...

well, yeah! think of it, Hugs are higly contageous..When you hug someone, what do they do? they hug back straight away! Unless they have some immunity issue, they back off..or YOU are just with the issues :P

Ai said...

I came by!!

Ey, can u get a Cbox or sumthing?!

And Ireland + London has my votes, coz... I don't know why either.

And, I don't feel like thinking anymore!

So bye.
